Accelerated BSN (ABSN) Program
Earn Your ABSN in 16 Months¹
Prepare yourself for the nursing profession and contribute to the greater good through servant leadership with the 16-month ABSN nursing program at Grand Canyon University.1 This accelerated BSN program for non-nurses can not only supply healthcare employers with a steady stream of prepared nursing graduates, but also give qualified individuals increased access to a quality nursing education for a faster transition into the nursing profession.
An Accelerated BSN Program for Non-Nurses
GCU’s accelerated BSN program is designed for individuals who have a non-nursing college education and are interested in pursuing a career in nursing. No matter your previous field of undergraduate study, our fast-paced ABSN program builds upon your education by following a logical, effective sequence of coursework, labs and clinical rotations over a 16-month time span.1 While the ABSN curriculum is rigorous and requires dedication and commitment, it also offers a hybrid learning model to provide a well-rounded educational experience.
As an ABSN degree student, you will complete much of the 16-month nursing program curriculum online.1 You will also attend hands-on nursing skills labs and immersive simulation experiences at our learning sites as well as complete supervised clinical rotations in local healthcare facilities.
Upon your completion of the accelerated BSN program, you can sit for the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN®) and enter the profession as a practice-ready nurse.
Gain Hands-On Experience Through Immersive Simulation Training
The Lopes Center for Nursing Simulation provides opportunities to develop competent, compassionate, ethical professionals and innovative thinkers using evidence-based practice to connect theory to the real world. The immersive simulation experience enables students to develop and apply critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills in a safe, consistent learning environment. Students can become effective communicators and transformative, servant leaders who utilize holistic Christian values to help promote human flourishing.
Nursing Careers for ABSN Program Graduates
Once you earn your accelerated bachelor’s degree in nursing and pass the NCLEX, you are ready to get your license and practice as a registered nurse (RN). RNs can pursue employment in any number of healthcare settings, including hospitals, emergency rooms, physicians’ offices, schools, birthing centers and public health clinics.3 You can also work with patients across the healthcare continuum or pursue certification to specialize in a specific area of practice, from pediatrics to gerontology.
Accelerated BSN Program Requirements and Admission Process
As a candidate, you do not need prior healthcare experience to apply to our accelerated BSN program; however, you do need a non-nursing college education to begin the admissions process. Our accelerated BSN program for non-nurses builds on your non-nursing college education by giving you credit for what you’ve already accomplished as an undergraduate, enabling you to jump right into professional nursing study on the first day of class.
Admissions requirements may vary by state, so it’s important to talk to one of our qualified admissions counselors to ensure you fulfill all requirements.
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Individuals who meet our academic requirements are eligible for our ABSN program. Before you can apply to and/or start in our ABSN program, you must have a:
- Non-nursing bachelor’s degree or minimum of 60 non-nursing college credits from an institutionally accredited university, depending on the ABSN location you’re applying to
- Cumulative 3.0 or higher programmatic GPA (all 60 credits of coursework applied to the ABSN program of study. Includes both GCU and transfer coursework)
- Cumulative GPA of 3.25 or higher in the ABSN prerequisite courses
- Complete the HESI A2 entrance exam within the specified minimum requirements:
- 80% in Reading Comprehension, Grammar, Vocabulary
- 80% in Math
- 75% in Human Anatomy and Physiology
- Pass a Grand Canyon University background check. The background check expires after six months from date ordered. Your admissions counselor can advise you when to complete this step.
- Obtain a Fingerprint Clearance Card, (only applicable for Arizona students). Contact your admissions counselor for more information on this requirement.
Our specialized ABSN enrollment counselors help make the admissions process as seamless as possible. Working exclusively with ABSN students, these counselors know the ins and outs of the program and are here to provide personalized support.
Complete the online form on this page and someone from our admissions team will contact you directly. During this initial conversation, the admissions counselor will go over some basic information and schedule your pre-admissions interview.
The pre-admissions interview is an informal phone conversation that allows your admissions counselor to get to know you and what you’re looking for in a nursing education. It’s also an opportunity for you to ask questions about the program. This is an important step in the admissions process because we want to make sure our ABSN program is a good fit for you and vice versa.
Your ABSN counselor will review your unofficial college transcripts and help you come up with a pre-enrollment plan that targets your preferred start date in the program.
Register for and complete the ABSN prerequisite courses within the specified requirements. For added convenience, you can complete these courses online through Grand Canyon University.
Once you’ve satisfied all the admissions requirements, you can start putting together your online application and targeting a program start date. As part of the application process, you’ll also need to submit the following:
- Official transcripts from each institutionally accredited university attended showing successful completion of the prerequisite and general education courses
- HESI A2 entrance exam scores
Accelerated BSN Program Prerequisite Courses
To be eligible for the ABSN program, you need a cumulative GPA of at least 3.25 in prerequisite courses. If you have already completed some of these courses, you must have done so within the last seven years for your credits to be eligible for transfer. Any prerequisites you have not previously completed can be taken online through GCU.
General Education Courses
In your previous college experience, you’ve probably completed most, if not all, of these general education courses. But if you haven’t, don’t worry. You can complete any of these courses online through GCU.
Please note: Depending on the state where the student has enrolled, they may require a different or additional general education course. See University Policy Handbook.
Required General Education Courses
Course Description
This course is designed to provide students opportunities to develop and strengthen skills necessary to enhance the undergraduate experience. It provides positive reinforcement of successful learning strategies and assistance with adaptation to the GCU academic environment.
Course Description
This is a writing-intensive course in writing academic prose, including various types of essays, arguments, and constructions.
Course Description
The course covers mathematics that matter in modern society. Key areas of focus include financial literacy, numerically-based decision making, growth, scale, and numerical applications. The course applies basic college-level mathematics to real-life problems and is appropriate for students whose majors do not require college algebra or higher.
Course Description
This course is the first of a two-course sequence examining the structure and function of the human body and mechanisms for maintaining homeostasis within it. This portion includes the study of cells; tissues; genetics; and the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems. Co-requisite: BIO-201L.
Course Description
This course is a systematic study of human gross anatomy and function. Topics include the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems. Co-Requisite: BIO-201.
Course Description
This course provides an introduction to the study of basic probability, descriptive and inferential statistics, and decision making. Emphasis is placed on measures of central tendency and dispersion, correlation, regression, discrete and continuous probability distributions, quality control population parameter estimation, and hypothesis testing. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in MAT-134, MAT-144 or MAT-154.
Course Description
A worldview acts like glasses through which one views the world. In this course, students explore the big questions that make up a worldview, questions like “Why are we here?” and “What is my purpose?” Students examine how Christians answer these questions and work on exploring their own worldviews, as well as learning how worldview influences one’s perceptions, decision making, and everyday life.
Course Description
This course introduces the professional standards, regulations, and ethical code that inform the field of nursing. Students learn about scope and standards of practice with particular emphasis on the nurse's role in providing client-centered care as a member of an interdisciplinary health care team. Students also learn skills in therapeutic, interpersonal, and interprofessional communication and examine the relationship of communication and technology to safety and positive client outcomes. Prerequisite: Admission into the nursing program.
Accelerated BSN (ABSN) Program FAQs
If you’re still questioning whether or not an ABSN program is the best fit for you, read through some frequently asked questions to learn more about completing an accelerated program and earning your BSN.
With a BSN, you can practice in a variety of inpatient and outpatient settings as well as pursue certification in any number of specialty areas.
Salary is another reason to consider earning your BSN degree. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, registered nurses have a median annual wage of $86,070 as of May 2023.5
A BSN can also give you the foundation to pursue a more advanced degree in the future, which can open the door to careers, such as nurse anesthetist, family nurse practitioner, acute care nurse practitioner and clinical nurse specialist.
Students who graduate from an ABSN program earn a Bachelor of Science in Nursing — the same degree granted by a traditional BSN program. Essentially, an ABSN program is an accelerated education path for students who have completed undergraduate study in a field other than nursing.
Online accelerated nursing courses are rigorous and require self-discipline in the online learning environment. Instructor deadlines still apply, and you’ll want to make sure you account for the fast-paced nature of the program. In-person nursing skills labs at our facilities provide a contextual environment for you to learn and practice the safe, effective application of core clinical skills.
Every nursing school graduate needs to pass the NCLEX before they can be licensed to practice as a registered nurse. Consistently high first-time NCLEX pass rates for a school usually means it provides a quality education that reinforces the type of nursing content presented throughout the exam.
The first step is to speak with an admissions counselor to make sure the ABSN program is the right education path for you. If the program is a good fit and you decide to apply, this counselor will provide you with a high level of personalized support throughout the enrollment process.
Before you can be admitted into the ABSN program, you must complete nine ABSN prerequisites with a cumulative prerequisite GPA of 3.25 or higher. Please refer to the table above for a full list of the required prerequisite courses and expiration information.
Our estimated 16-month ABSN program tuition can be found on our tuition page and is subject to change without notice. Financial aid is available to help lower your tuition costs and make funding your nursing education more affordable.
While you can complete the ABSN coursework online, you will need to be within driving distance of our ABSN site. You will regularly come to this location to complete your nursing labs and simulations, and proctored exams with faculty. You will also complete your supervised clinicals at designated healthcare facilities near our site.
If you are a returning applicant, please contact your admissions advisor to confirm or determine your eligibility for the ABSN program. If eligible, your advisor will help you move forward with the next steps to take in the admissions process.
To determine how many of your courses can transfer over to fulfill any prerequisite courses, the first step is to speak with an admissions advisor. Your advisor will review your transcripts, provide an evaluation for you and help you come up with a plan on how you can complete any remaining prerequisites.
If you meet above requirements and have a passion for nursing, the ABSN program is worth considering. In this program, you can earn your BSN degree in 16 months.1 The ABSN program also takes on a hybrid format, which may be more suitable for some students, while the traditional BSN program is an on-campus program.
1 Secondary Applicants must transfer a minimum of 60 of the required 123 credits or have completed a baccalaureate degree which includes nine prerequisite courses/labs and 10 general education courses prior to starting the core nursing courses, which can be completed in as few as 16 months. Direct Entry Applicants that do not transfer 60 credits but meet the minimum requirements can complete these credits through GCU prior to starting the core nursing courses. Depending on the state where student has enrolled or intends to complete the program, student may require additional courses. This may include, but is not limited to, additional general education courses, courses in the major, clinical courses, or a different course sequence. See University Policy Handbook. For more information on the accreditation of nursing programs and other university approvals, please visit our University Accreditation and Regulations page.
2 (2024). Grand Canyon University Rankings. Retrieved Dec. 4, 2024.
3 NurseJournal. (2023, Oct. 12). The 10 Best Places to Work as a Registered Nurse, Retrieved December 2024.
4 NurseJournal. (2023, March 24). Where Do Nurses Work? A Breakdown of the Various Job Settings for Nurses. Retrieved December 2024.
5 The earnings referenced were reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (“BLS”), Registered Nurses, as of May 2023, retrieved on May 9, 2024. Due to COVID-19, data from 2020 to 2023 may be atypical compared to prior years. BLS calculates the median using salaries of workers nationwide with varying levels of education and experience. It does not reflect the earnings of GCU graduates as registered nurses, nor does it reflect earnings of workers in one city or region of the country or a typical entry-level salary. Median income is the statistical midpoint for the range of salaries in a specific occupation. It represents what you would earn if you were paid more money than half the workers in an occupation, and less than half the workers in an occupation. It may give you a basis to estimate what you might earn at some point if you enter this career. Grand Canyon University can make no guarantees on individual graduates’ salaries. Your employability will be determined by numerous factors over which GCU has no control, such as the employer the graduate chooses to apply to, the graduate’s experience level, individual characteristics, skills, etc., against a pool of candidates.
Join Grand Canyon University’s vibrant and growing campus community, with daytime classes designed for traditional students. Immerse yourself in a full undergraduate experience, complete with curriculum designed within the context of our Christian worldview.